29 March 2021

The unkindest cut of them all…

Retrieved this picture from more than 50 years back at my mother-in-law’s house. That animated guy – who is doing that “namaste” thing? – that is my brother in law!! That girl on the extreme right looking at my brother in law? – Sharmila!! I did not believe my mother in law when she said that.

That hairstyle is a far cry from what I was expecting. Apparently, my mother in law had her head tonsured.

“Why?”, I asked? (could somewhat fathom the torture of shaving a young girl’s head off)

She gave me the answer.

For marital harmony, I am going to avoid writing that answer here.

I will only say (with apologies to Dickens) – “Ask no questions about shaved heads, and no lice shall be told”

Posted March 29, 2021 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations

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