12 December
Catching up on reading by the fire outside
Trying out Christakis’ book Appollo’s Arrow. It has fascinating details of Covid virus. I am only a few chapters in but it gives a great understanding of the virus, the various botches we have made in controlling it and some of the big unknowns around this virus.
Rajib, I was just thinking of you and thought I would check out your blog. This looks like a very interesting book – I will check it out. One of the tales that has helped me to come to terms with the pandemic is a brilliantly written science fiction short story, The Giving Plague by David Brin: https://www.davidbrin.com/fiction/givingplague.html. It is around a 30 minute read. If you do read it, please let me know what you think! I hope you are well otherwise.
Dhrooti, Great to hear from you. I will indeed try out this book!