3 October 2020

Fourth lesson in skateboarding

Learnt how to get up and stay up. In fact after this video, by the time I was done, I was able to kick up more speed and go from one end of our driveway to the other.
Next up: Need to figure out how to reposition myself as I am slowing down to kick with the left foot again…

Posted October 3, 2020 by Rajib Roy in category "Skateboard


  1. By Walt B on

    Dude! Way to go but… HELMET!!! Every time! They can fix a lot of things but they can’t fix a broken brain and yours is extra precious.

  2. By Rajib Roy (Post author) on

    Walt, I do have a helmet. But I am so slow I thought I would not need it. Now that I am planning to get out of our driveway and go outside, I will be sure to wear the helmet. How are you?


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