8 August 2020

“Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers”

If you have a stressful job or are suffering from stress for whatever reason, this is an amazing book that explains how stress affects different parts of the body and exactly the process by which it happens.

Written by Robert Sapolsky (the author of “Behavior”), it is a little dense. Probably less dense – but since I am not a medical student, I am taking more time to sort out the various actions, names and organs he is talking about. I am ploughing at a rate of about 15-20 pages per hour, right now.

As of now, I am studying (and making a lot of notes) on Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Reading up on Juvenile Diabetes (Type 1), my mind floated back to a really bright young gentleman – Ronit Ganguly – one of the most amazingly smart and well balanced kids that I have ever come across (we will not count his rooting for New England Patriots against him though 🙂 ) who was suddenly diagnosed with this. I got a better understanding – thanks to this book – what his body went thru. The frustrating part is that medical science has not yet fully understood why this happens and how to prevent it.

I am encouraged though that smart kids like Ronit (and his friends) will crack the problem sooner than later!

Posted August 8, 2020 by Rajib Roy in category "Musings


  1. By Jasmine Ganguly on

    What a coincidence that you wrote this post on August 8th, same day he moved out to dorm to start a new phase of his life. I myself had no clue about what T1D was before Ronit was diagnosed. Book looks interesting and I need to pick it soon. As always you are too kind with your words. Will share the link for this post with Ronit. Lots of love

  2. By Rajib Roy (Post author) on

    Have not talked to Ronit in some time… I need to fix that problem soon!! Best of luck on his new phase of life…


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