31 May 2018

Saying good bye to our nomadic hosts!

We had a great time with our gracious hosts. Learnt a lot of things about their lives. And what a tough life they lead. To give you a rough idea, the lady has to get up early in the morning to milk the cattle. Amongst camels alone, she has to milk 30 of them. Morning and evening!

They do all this shepherding, milking and all that – thru intensely high temperatures and intensely low temperatures, sometimes with howling winds. With no holidays. Every single day of the week.

One thing I noticed is that every ger has a car (I guess there is no other way to get supplies from the city). And that they all send their young kids to schools (which is often many, many miles away).

This is a very hard place to live in.

But I would be lying if I did not tell you how much this place has charmed me.

Posted May 31, 2018 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations


  1. By BM on

    Love the lady’s bright clothing, brightens up the horizon. In one of the earlier photos of the kitchen,there were big blue drums of water. Very curious to know where and how do they get their water in the middle of nowhere, given they are moving frequently too.
    Loved these last few posts of ger living. Adventurous holiday indeed.

    1. By rajibroy (Post author) on

      They get it from wells. The walls are sometimes 30km-50km away… But they have jeeps


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