27 April 2018

A baby cardinal, I presume…

Posted April 27, 2018 by Rajib Roy in category "Images


  1. By Rajib Roy on

    I am not sure all cardinals have a crest. In fact, this bird was with a bid red cardinal (I assumed the dad) at the bird feeder.

  2. By Kelly Talele on

    Rajib Roy this photo is definitely a house finch. I see an assortment of birds together at our feeders. It’s pretty cool. I think cardinals do all have a crest but it’s more obvious on the adults. Regardless, it’s a great photo!

  3. By Kelly Talele on

    Have you ever seen cowbirds? They are crazy! They take over an existing nest pushing out the eggs already there and laying their own. I saw a male cardinal feeding a juvenile cowbird on our deck one time. Apparently the parents are clueless and raise anything that hatches in their nests!!

  4. By Steve Martin on

    House finch. We have tons of them. They are the only things that go for the thistle sometimes after the goldfinches have left for the season.

  5. By Jennifer Patrick on

    What’s the best book I can buy to identify birds in my backyard in AL

    1. By Rajib Roy (Post author) on

      Have you tried any of the books by the National Audubon Society. I will see if they have anything specific for Alabama.

  6. By Joy on

    House finch. We have a nest of them on our front door wreath, lol.


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