Very funny cab guy!
I grabbed a cab from the hotel and headed towards a park about 15 minutes away. Once we were near the destination, he asked me:
“Which building do you want to go to”?
“Oh, drop me anywhere near the park. I am meeting a friend there”
“Are you going to run here?” (He had noticed my bright orange running clothes and had now eliminated the possibility that I was a construction worker)
“Yes. With my friend”
“Do you run here often?”
“No. I do not live in Singapore. My friend and I went to school together. I am meeting him after 27 years”
That got his attention quickly.
“27 years???”
“How did you keep in touch?”
He was suitably impressed.
Then he added “Well, if you do not remember some of the details from 27 years Back, Facebook may be able to sell that data to you”
I think he earned that extra tip!!
What part of Singapore are you in? Val and I loved the PCN (Park Connector Network)…trails between parks throughout the island. Head out toward East Coast Park and be amazed by the miles of ships waiting to get into port!
I am staying on South Beach Rd. Went to run in Kent Ridge Park.
Looking at where you are staying, one of Val and I’s favorite restaurants isn’t far from there…Renn Thai on Clarke Quay. The atmosphere is awesome…
Also, that was a good retort by your taxi driver!