14 April 2018

This is what those 10,000 mile treks are all about!!

Priceless moment.

He got up in his bed moment he saw me and my brother. He had even used the walker from his room this morning to walk to the bed next to our main door so that he could see us whenever we set foot in the house.

This is the first time I am seeing him get up and sit in the bed by himself in eight months now.

It was a matter of couple of minutes before we were sharing a joke. Other than sharing the same hair style, of course!!

Posted April 14, 2018 by Rajib Roy in category "Family in India", "Vacations


  1. By Raman Saini on

    Was confused.. the moment I saw the pic đŸ˜‰ you are so right about the hairstyle! Glad to see your dad back in action. I remember his condition, Oct end last year. He is a brave man!


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