26 December 2017

The adventure begins…

“Dad, I want to go see dadu (my dad)”, Natasha told us back in October when I was headed to see my dad in India after his brain stroke and paralysis. That was an uncommon request. Both the girls used to like India for all the cute cows and puppies on the street and the lovely cousins but never quite got comfortable with the dirt and traffic and pollution (relative to where they live, that is). Plus they usually got sick trying to adjust to the local food and water.

After coming back from seeing dad, Sharmila and I started frantically looking for four tickets to India during the highest traffic season. About three days later, we found something that would work for us. But not before we had a brainwave. If we were going to spend all that money for all of us to go to the other side of the world, why not take advantage of the fact that I am off work and Tasha is going to get busier and busier with her college and internship – and make a full adventure of it?

So, here we are. After five and a half years, together as a family headed to India. From there, we are going to see two more countries – Indonesia (Bali) and Thailand (Bangkok). Then, we will go back to India again to visit my dad (we have noticed that he likes that I come often rather than for a longer period necessarily). And then back home!!

The adventure got a rather early push with the airlines messing up my seat and two of our suitcases which we are not sure is actually going to make it along with us. That said, they were all understaffed on Christmas day and they did get my original seat back. Just to be safe, I am packing up all the freebies they are giving in the flight 🙂 🙂

Like every trip, this trip has its goals too. But instead of who I get to see, this time it is all about what moments I can create for the two daughters. I want them to spend time with my parents, Sharmila’s parents but most importantly, I want them to spend time with their cousins. In the past, it used to be a sheer delight watching the kids – separated by language, customs and age – somehow overcome all those barriers and play together. They had their own way of communicating with each other.

I would also like to take them around and show some of the old spots for Sharmila and myself. I hope that they will remember in years after today some of the history Sharmila and I shared. I know today, I wish I knew more about my own dad and mom’s history.

Finally, and this is a special one for Natasha – she will get to see her old college room mate in Bangkok!!

Intersection points… here we come. With the suitcases or without!!!

Posted December 26, 2017 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations


  1. By Phanney KB on

    What an amazing and blessed thing you can do – travel as a family and let your Dad enjoy all of you. Have a beautiful time – make lots of memories and take lots of videos. It’s the one thing I wish I did more of ❤️

  2. By Nita Ganguly on

    Loved this flight and the service…. we had close to 4 hrs of turbulence… not fun . Hope it does not happen on the way back

  3. By Vinay Sharma on

    Happy holidays and a great new year ahead! Welcome to India, between we are in Pune these days, so if you are planning to come to this part of India, do let me know. Cheers


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