22 December 2017

Existential question

As difficult as it might be to believe that I went to a party and stayed till midnight, it pales in comparison to the following jaw dropping realization I had on my drive back… Not a single selfie was taken during the whole party!!!

The well-conversed in Bengali parties in Atlanta area surely will sympathize with my confusion around an essential existential question …

If, during a party, not a single selfie was taken and posted in Facebook, did the party really happen?


Posted December 22, 2017 by Rajib Roy in category "Humor", "Musings


  1. By Rajib Roy on

    Vikram, Sonali, Bhaskar, Rakhi, Samaresh, Haimanti, Joyjit, Baisakhi, Sharmila, Amitesh, when is the last time you went to a Bengali party where a selfie was NOT taken?

  2. By Amitesh Mukherjee on

    I took a selfie ( technically ). If you define selfie as a picture where the one who has the camera is also in the picture , here you go. I am in the picture and I took the picture. Does this count ?

  3. By Rajib Roy on

    Merriam be darned, a selfie picture is not a real rendition of the actual object. In fact, it is a mirror image (left is right and right is left). That is a function of taking it with the front camera. Take a selfie image of you (front camera) and then take one with the rear camera – you will see the difference.

    I believe the new iPhone (is it the X or the 8?) actually has a feature that makes that correction now.


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