Cafe con Laura
Last time I saw Laura was when my family went over to her place to have dinner with her family. That was six years back – almost to the day. Nov 20, 2011 to be precise.
And it was in Santiago, Chile!!!
Today, I met her in my neck of the woods – Milton, Georgia – over a couple of cups of coffee. We had a great time together – talking about our old workplace, colleagues from our prior lives and our own parents!!
Found out an interesting coincidence. When I drove to meet my colleague from Mumbai days at a Starbucks in Appleton, Wisconsin in September, apparently, I was within spitting distance of where Laura’s parents live!! Oh! How I wish I knew that then!!!
Really nice to see you there sharing those coffees and the good conversation!! My greetings to both of you from Bs As!! Laura Rajib
Hello Pilar. Believe it or not, we talked about you!!!!
Rajib – great to see you! Let’s do it again soon