12 November
When will I learn to plan?
Have you ever wondered what kind of an idiot drives with the roof down when the outside temperature is 46F (8C)?
Well, wonder no more.
It is precisely that kind of an idiot that buys a big christmas tree and after hauling the box to the parking lot realizes that he has brought the small car to the store.
In short, yours truly!
“Eto taka diye choto gaarita kinley”?
আবার কেবল দুটো দরজা দিয়েছে !!!
Thanda lege jabe. Etou hawa.
I literally LOL’d
Assuming I took the picture…
We got a new Christmas tree?!
Yes. But mom and niki has not seen it yet!!
Amar mone hochhe it was part of your plan to add this pic in your blog, isn’t it?
On the contrary, this was a surprise gone terribly wrong. I was going to surprise Niki and Sharmila (they were at Global Mall) by getting the tree before they could come. I had not done the mental calculation that if Sharmila is not there at home, neither is the bigger car. (Also, I did not realize that the box would be this big)
Oh no!!!!
Oh no!!!!
Rajib = remember just one word – Amazon that buddy :-).
My never ending curiosity – ” who took this picture ? “. Nice , steady picture of a moving car. How fast were you going ?
Hahah…is that a Lexus SC430?
That it is – nearly 11 years old, 150K miles and creaking like an old man….
I used to have that before I got the Tesla.
When I become as famous as you, I am going to get myself a Tesla too… 🙂
Famous.? Or infamous?
I actually do that on purpose. It is bracing.