Another Sunday morning word puzzles
This one comes from Nikita and myself. We have been looking into different “meters”. By that, I mean different kind of instruments that end with the word “meter”. I am sure you know what is a thermometer, a barometer and maybe even a ammeter if you are an engineer.
See if you know any of these that we learnt recently. If you don’t try to guess from the root of the word and then feel free to Google. Then write in the comment section the number of words you knew or had guessed correctly.
I will post the answers after 24 hours.
So, what do you think is a….
1. Butyrometer
2. Drisdometer
3. Drosometer
4. Laxometer
5. Macrometer
6. Opisometer
7. Potometer
8. Pyrometer (my first guess was it measures temperatures – you know “pyro” meaning fire; but as Nikita pointed out that is what a thermometer is for :-))
9. Variometer
10. Vertometer
Happy “metering”….
Meanwhile my meter is spinning
How about lactometer?
I assume it has got to do with milk?
Yes, it does. Measures the amount of water in milk to check its quality.
i googled after writing to you!!!
Macrometer I know of, that is used to measure size and distance of an object. But don’t know the usage, I guess optometry??
pedometer ! so you can walk from centimeter to macrometer !
Now for the answers:
1. Butyrometer: You remember how you ask for 2% fat milk or 1% fat milk or even non fat milk? Well, butyrometer is apparently used to measure the fat content in milk.
2. Disdrometer: First, I had a spelling mistake in this. It is a “disdrometer”, not a “drisdometer”. In any case, I wish I had known this word when I was a kid. This is an instrument to measure the velocity (and drop sizes) of rain!
3. Drosometer: This is another cool word. Not sure why this is important but this instrument is used to measure the rate at which dew forms.
4. Laxometer: I did not even realize the there is such a thing. It seems before you get a hair transplant, the technician will measure the mobility of the skin on your scalp. Essentially, a laxometer is used to measure looseness of your skin.
5. Macrometer: This is used to measure both the distance and size of very distant objects.
6. Opisometer: Imagine your life below Google maps. You had a paper map and there was a road that went from town A to town B. The measure the distance by road was not east since the road was never straight. Now, have you seen people measuring the length of a road segment by walking along with an instrument which looks like a long stick with a wheel at the end? (it actually uses the number of rotations multiplied by the circumference of the wheel to get the distance). Well, a miniaturized version of the same – used to measure road distances on a paper map is called a opisometer.
7. Potometer: This is used to measure the rate of water consumption by a plant.
8. Pyrometer: As Nikita pointed out you measure temperatures using a thermometer. Well, that assumes you can touch with object (with the thermometer). If you cannot and have to measure the temperature of an object without touching it, you use a pyrometer.
9. Variometer: If you ever fly a plane or at least sit next to the pilot, you will notice a myriad of dials and panels. One of them shows the rate at which the plane is climbing up or down. That instrument is called a variometer.
10. Vertometer: After you get your glasses (or contact lenses), the doctor will check to make sure that they match the prescription. The instrument they use to do that is called a vertometer!
Now for the answers:
1. Butyrometer: You remember how you ask for 2% fat milk or 1% fat milk or even non fat milk? Well, butyrometer is apparently used to measure the fat content in milk.
2. Disdrometer: First, I had a spelling mistake in this. It is a “disdrometer”, not a “drisdometer”. In any case, I wish I had known this word when I was a kid. This is an instrument to measure the velocity (and drop sizes) of rain!
3. Drosometer: This is another cool word. Not sure why this is important but this instrument is used to measure the rate at which dew forms.
4. Laxometer: I did not even realize the there is such a thing. It seems before you get a hair transplant, the technician will measure the mobility of the skin on your scalp. Essentially, a laxometer is used to measure looseness of your skin.
5. Macrometer: This is used to measure both the distance and size of very distant objects.
6. Opisometer: Imagine your life below Google maps. You had a paper map and there was a road that went from town A to town B. The measure the distance by road was not east since the road was never straight. Now, have you seen people measuring the length of a road segment by walking along with an instrument which looks like a long stick with a wheel at the end? (it actually uses the number of rotations multiplied by the circumference of the wheel to get the distance). Well, a miniaturized version of the same – used to measure road distances on a paper map is called a opisometer.
7. Potometer: This is used to measure the rate of water consumption by a plant.
8. Pyrometer: As Nikita pointed out you measure temperatures using a thermometer. Well, that assumes you can touch with object (with the thermometer). If you cannot and have to measure the temperature of an object without touching it, you use a pyrometer.
9. Variometer: If you ever fly a plane or at least sit next to the pilot, you will notice a myriad of dials and panels. One of them shows the rate at which the plane is climbing up or down. That instrument is called a variometer.
10. Vertometer: After you get your glasses (or contact lenses), the doctor will check to make sure that they match the prescription. The instrument they use to do that is called a vertometer!
Rajib very illuminating post, as measured on my illuminometer..