Sometimes we mix business with pleasure
A few of us came earlier in the day to get ready for our Board meetings in Tampa. Tampa is also the place – strictly speaking St. Pete – that our business and personal friend Amar calls home. Amar’s company and we often compete with each other and then in many other cases, we partner together. He is acknowledged to be one of the industry leaders in our segment. Therefore, as you must have guessed, it is always great to sit down with him and get his perspectives on market, technology and customers. Specially for me who came from outside the industry.
Last evening, three of us from our team – Mark, Bob and myself sat down with Amar for dinner and drinks. We even called his wife – Aparna – to join us. Which was a good thing – since we are always up for one extra person to gang up on poor Amar!!
It was a great evening – and we even got to do business before Aparna came along!!!
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