The story of a thousand miles in 2016
Total Runs: 175
Half Marathons: 8
Lowest temperature : 9 deg F
Highest temperature: 91 deg F
Number of US states: 12
Number of countries: 2
Fastest pace: 7 miles at 8:07 min/mile
Fastest half marathon: 1 hour 52 mins
Some memorable moments:
1st mile: On Jan 1 with Puja (see the very first picture)
1000th mile: On Dec 29 with brother (see the very last picture) Chiradeep
Winning a medal after deciding the previous night to put in a half marathon race next day (picture in the middle)
Running in the dark with Samaresh and then stopping to watch the moon. (picture bottom right of the above picture)
Getting lost in the forests somewhere in Virginia (the right most picture in the same row as above picture)
Getting caught in howling winds and rains in mid town Atlanta and then deciding to run in an underground parking lot (picture is below the picture with Samaresh and myself)
Getting frustrated with a peer CEO who canceled our meeting. So I went for a run in his city instead (bottom most picture from the above picture).
Running to the post office to mail a letter (picture left of the above picture)
Discovering the power of orange (the fruit, not my shorts color) as a post run refreshment (left bottom picture)
Insanely ridiculous accomplishment! Congrats