28 December 2016

The year in rear view:: 2016 Vacations were all about mountains

This year, our vacations were focused on Natasha since she was going to leave us for college. She is not a beach person – thus we did not do a long, long tradition of the family – annual beach trip. Instead we took in a lot of mountains – which is Natasha’s favorite place to go to. From Blue Ridge Mountains closer to home to all the way to the mountains and glaciers of Alaska, we saw some beautiful sights. And between them, we made trips to the mountains in Oregon, the mountains outside Seattle and the mountains in Idaho. We finished all this in the first seven months. (Tasha left in August)

I did not join the Sharmila, Natasha and Nikita during their vacation in Dallas but Dallas has no mountains. So, I am not counting it here đŸ™‚

We did not do our annual international trip this year either (India trips do not count). But we were able to spend some quality time as family on vacations before Natasha left for college. It was certainly worthwhile seeing the constantly bickering sisters bond outside home.

Posted December 28, 2016 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations

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