What a great evening…
It is not often that I get a reminder from a very successful ex-CEO in Corporate America that I had promised to have a drink with him whenever I was in his town. Our relationship goes back quite a few years to my previous job. He was a customer then. We have had career changes from there.
But, thanks to that reminder, I did get a chance to have dinner with Paul Uhrig. My life has been nothing if not spending a few quality hours with some of the best human beings in this world. Paul is right up there on that list.
Sitting in a very nice Old Town Alexandria restaurant by the Potomac river, we caught up on our families, our old friends, the just concluded elections, our respective industries and much more. The most engaging part of our evening probably was exchanging notes on our professional journeys. Our journeys have been very very different – and that is what made our stories so engaging to each other.
I hope to see more of this guy down the road…