11 September
The Sufi Queen…
Wrapping up a hectic week with some winding down with Abida Parveen. There are very few singers I have heard that can scale as many octaves as she can….
Here she sings…
Yaar Ko Humne Ja-ba-ja Dekha
Kahin Zahir Kahin Chupa Dekha
Kahin Momkin Hoa Kahin Wajib
Kahin Fani Kahin Baqa Dekha
Going by somebody else’s translation (as always improvements welcome)…
I saw my beloved in all I saw,
At times revealed, hidden at times.
At times a possibility, at times an imperative,
At times ephemeral, at times eternal…
Also, I am not very sure of the poet but it probably was Hazrat Shah Niaz.
Awesome Rajib. Which tune you are playing. I should say which RAGA
My favorite Rajib ! I am convinced she is lost on another planet when she is singing !
Fantastic, queen indeed