14 January 2016

2015 Retrospective

Finally finished this. Looking back on 2015…

2015 Retrospective

Posted January 14, 2016 by Rajib Roy in category "Musings


  1. By Rajib Roy on

    Ooooh!!! That is a great question, Jayeeta. I am not sure I can pick one category as the best. I like the variety of goals. Probably the one I will remember the longest was to get dad to agree to see his birthplace and then finding it out using Google, internet, an odd State tender for road construction on the net and then asking from village to village. The one that I love doing because it shocks people is simply walking up to strangers, making friends, gaining their confidence to tell me their life story and take a picture. But again, I will not give up any of the above. For all that “love people interactions”, I know I like often to be left alone to my own time – explaining running,music, cocktails, writing…

  2. By Jaya Chatterjee on

    The post itself talks about the incredible potential you have in managing your goals. The way you do is a matter of wonderful time management amidst your busy work schedule. And look at the variety! You definitely inspire a lot of people from different generations. Kudos to every endeavor you have taken that makes you such a great human being.

  3. By Rajib Roy on

    Joydeep, you must be running a P&L. I just had a good quarter. Will you stop badgering me about the next quarter? πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Just Kidding πŸ™‚

  4. By Vicky Ruffin Cupit on

    So happy to have been a small part of 2015… hope to get to see and visit with you again this year…. maybe a tour of our small town and a cup of great coffee from our local shop….

  5. By Rajib Roy on

    Time, sir, is the only finite resource we have. Once we truly understand that (and therefore embrace mortality) prioritization is natural. We all have 24 hours.

  6. By Vicky Ruffin Cupit on

    One thing I have learned since I retired ” yeah right” … I don’t have to feel guilty about staying up until 3 am or sleeping until 7:30… but it has taken me 8 years to do that…


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