26 December 2015

Detailed instruction sheets on the refrigerator!

This can mean only one thing!

She is leaving for India!!

Apparently, there is enough food in the fridge for me to have parties at our home every evening till she comes back! There is even a helpful reminder that we should feed the dogs!!

I love it how it starts with a detailed Do-It-Yourself instructions on how to make rice and just to leave nothing to chances on either side of the alimentary canal, she has left instructions on what to do if we get into septic tank trouble!! This is some serious sh** ๐Ÿ™‚


Posted December 26, 2015 by Rajib Roy in category "Humor", "My Family


  1. By Rini Bose-Kar on

    I hope raja see this. There is not list in my house. Except useful number for restaurants and emergency. As long as the children are still alive, that’s all I ask for.


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