16 July
You know it is too early at the airport…
… when you breeze thru the security line only to be stumped by an unending line for Starbucks coffee. Amazing how we have trained ourselves to part with five dollars for some average coffee only because they give the coffee some French sounding names !!
Pike was American… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebulon_Pike
I enjoy nothing better that walking up to a Starbucks counter and ordering a ‘large’ coffee 🙂
Oh, you meant the “sizes”, not the “coffee”.
veni, vidi, cofi
Had the name been Pequod’s , the 5 bucks coffee may have tasted different
Or Peychaud’s. But that might be a bitter coffee 🙂
Hey – mornings without coffee might as well be night.
Maybe Starbucks can place a barista next to the TSA agent in security line #everyonewins
hmm. I thought you would have seen the video clip by now. “BTW, it is called venti because it is 20 oz.”
I met my wife at Stabucks or maybe it was i got Starbucks when I met my wife. ANyway, the story seems to be the events surrounding coffee more than the coffee itself I recommend, Enjoy it while it’s hot!
Time to switch to Dunkin Donuts, better tasting coffee in my opinion! ☕️