15 June 2015

I need to meet my kindergarten teacher..

Once in my kindergarten class, we were asked to draw houses. At a very early age, I had shown unambiguous signs of utter lack of artistic talents. That particular day, I drew ten boxes (purportedly houses ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and colored them each with different colors. I was certainly constrained by the fact that I had only ten crayons with me ๐Ÿ™‚ My teacher, thoroughly unimpressed with my sense of conformity, gave me some gentle reminders that I should not feel compelled to use up all my colors ๐Ÿ™‚

Next time I see her, I will ask her to visit an island called Burano off Venice ๐Ÿ™‚


13 June 2015

I wonder if Romeo was aware of this….

… found some interesting notes on the board signifying Juliet’s house in Verona while waiting outside for the family and friends to come out of the historical house of Juliet of the famous Romeo and Juliet fame!!

In case you had not guessed it already, “Casa Di Giulietta” is Italian for “Juliet’s house”


13 June 2015

My kind of vacation….

Enough of all forts and castles and old buildings and long dead people. Can we now just throw stones in the water? ๐Ÿ™‚

This one was in a small place called Sermione on lake Garda. Most people would not know about it. I asked our young driver what would he cite as a great place he had taken his girlfriend to in the last one year. And that is where we went. Very beautiful place. After throwing stones, we sat down and had dinner on the lake.
