16 May 2015

Have we really strayed this far?

On my flight to Dallas, I opened up the USA Today online and went to the Tech section to see what might be interesting. There was an interesting article about “8 things you are still doing wrong with your email”. http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/saltzman/2015/05/16/email-mistakes/27243937/

Here are a couple of suggestions from the author:
1. Set your email system to send mails to your boss very late at night so that (s)he thinks you are burning the midnight oil. Smilarly set times of delivery of your emails so that everybody thinks you are working when you are really on the beach.

2. If you are late on delivery, change the time on your computer, send the email (it will carry the wrong date stamp) so your boss would think you did it on time – there were some server issues only.

Good God! Have values like general ethics and integrity completely escaped from Corporate America?

I have half a mind of sending that article to all my employees with one rejoinder: nobody cares about the hours – only what you get done and if you are slipping, talk to your team and manager and ask for help – ask them to have your back – they will respond. Whatever you do, don’t start cheating. You will be amazed how those small ones quickly snowball into big ones.

Posted May 16, 2015 by Rajib Roy in category "Reflections


  1. By Reno Bagri on

    It’s a slippery slope. I think integrity and self respect should be on the top of your corporate priority list at at all times!!

  2. By Roger Whitney on

    That really is horrible. it says something about USA Today that they would allow something like that in their paper.

  3. By Vicky Ruffin Cupit on

    Amen! RR – hubby and I were just talking about the testing in Texas.. some tests may now be failed or skipped in order to graduate high school when you think you should… reglardless of what you have learned… sad!

  4. By Mark Whipple on

    I agree with your comments. I would not want to work at a place where time spent is more important than results (and I have been there before). With that said, please note that I sent this on a Saturday evening.

  5. By Rajib Roy on

    Melanie, I come in tonite. Heading out for India on a noon flight! What do you have in mind? đŸ™‚

    1. By Rajib Roy on

      Melanie, I wont be coming out of the airport when I return. But I have you on my list of folks to meet when I come to Dallas

  6. By Rajib Roy on

    Amitesh, I am sure we will moving out of Atlanta sooner than later but I don’t think Dallas is on the cards…

  7. By Amy Swotinsky on

    That article is so old school it probably was recycled from a decade ago. The thing we are all doing wrong is still sending emails! There are much better ways to communicate and collaborate now using social tools.

  8. By Aimee Eucce on

    Wow! That is horrible! Working without scruples and ethics will catch up to a person … there is no short cut to success.

  9. By Vignesh Ramamurthy on

    Truly sad state of affairs. I have seen this much in the Indian offshore operations as well where people still do work late hours but yet use these kinds of tactics that need to be nipped on the bud. Good choice of sending an email to your employees.


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