That was another first one!!!!
Like in every trip, this morning too, I checked in my small suitcase, cleared security and strolled towards my gate at DC airport. As most frequent fliers in Delta might know, there is a flight on the hour every hour from DC to Atlanta and the four digit number usually starts with 1 and ends with 39. And in the evening, when they run out of digits, they switch to starting with 2. And the flights always leave from one of the few adjoining gates 16-21.
I reached my gate, looked at the board (see attached picture), checked that Atlanta was written on the board and waited. The boarding had already started. The goal being always to be one of the last passengers to get on to avoid all the rush at the gate, I just walked up and down the area making a few phone calls. Eventually, the queue was coming to an end and I joined it.
Just as I was going to board the plane as literally the last passenger, the machine stopped me. It refused to take my boarding pass much as the gate agent tried. She eventually asked me where I was going. I said Atlanta. She pointed out that, that was the problem. I was trying to board a Alaska Airlines flight headed to Seattle!!
I looked up again – sure enough it said Atlanta. Except, that was for the gate on the left and that flight was not leaving for another three hours!!! I turned around and saw another gate where the boarding was finishIng up. Quickly paced there and of course, that was my flight! Still managed to achieve my goal of being the last person to get on to the plane!! (But not before coming back to the wrong gate to take a picture!!! )
As I finally got on to the plane, the first person I met was the same stewardess who was with us in our flight to DC yesterday. We had chatted for some time to get to know her life story (I am sure you are not surprised đŸ™‚ ). She promptly asked me “Are you stalking me”? I truthfully answered “If I were, I sure am confused where to look for you” :-).