1 April
Best time of the day….
Early morning. Run in an empty trail other than the occasional runner here and there. And then some quiet time to myself before the craziness of the day starts.
Early morning. Run in an empty trail other than the occasional runner here and there. And then some quiet time to myself before the craziness of the day starts.
U change ur shoes according 2 u r dress….I like it…da drinks color. should b matching..
Bolle na keno? Amio join korte partam. Anyway great for you.
Malobika Deb, I thought Rajib Roy was talking about “quiet” time π
You are right AmiteshDa, I think, he needs “quiet” time to decide on the color combination of his outfit for the next run.
Rajib, does it always have to match, just curious π
Red is good. π
Amitesh, I think what Malobika is trying to say is that in the presence of a woman, all a man has is “quiet” time. And I tend to agree with her π
Malobika, I am the done who needs “quiet” time to decide what color to wear? This, from someone, whose walk in closet has “You are Here” maps all over?
Rachel, it doesn’t have to. Sometimes contrasting is in fashion too π
“Red is good”…. this said NO driver I know of π
Hey, was just kidding!!! After all, it was April fool’s day π