24 February 2015

Is there something I should know?

On my way to office, I showed Bob, our head of sales and one of the funniest guys I have come across an email that I got this morning. I have been getting emails from this site rather regularly. The site, from its name, is a matrimonial site for those who are divorced.

I asked Bob “Given the advances made in Big Data and how accurately they are making predictions, do you think I should be worried?”

Bob (who completely pooh poohed Big Data) had a memorable response – “Only if your wife is forwarding them to you” 🙂



Posted February 24, 2015 by Rajib Roy in category "Humor


  1. By Sibapriya Dasgupta on

    Interesting! It is a very subtle way of sending strong signals to your (?) worst half! You don’t have to tag her always.She keeps a tab on your posts anyways! Did you fight with her recently? So much to learn from you.


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