Nikispeak: Maybe it was better when she was sleeping :-)
Niki woke up around noon and within a few minutes I could hear the two girls yelling at each other. Reluctant to intervene in a fight which was essentially between the two sisters, I just tried following what was going on….
Natasha (yelling): Mom, did you see my gift card that I got day before yesterday?
Sharmila: No.
Natasha (yelling): Niki, do you know where my card is?
Niki: How would I know?
Then Niki starts following Tasha as she searched all over the house.
Niki (patronizingly): This is why you have a wallet.
Tasha (really irritated): I don’t need any sarcasm.
Niki: I am not being sarcastic. I am just gloating that you lost your card.
Maybe it was better that she was sleeping in late 🙂
That girl bites!
For sure, Roger!
We have seen a lot of parallel behavior in our house too!
its the same ‘sister story’ in almost every household! 🙂
Rajib, you”ll miss specifically these moments only after a few years.But now we wish that they mature(?) faster! That is the irony! But from whom has she inherited that pleasurable sting?
Niki and Tasha reminds me of my childhood and my siblings…I miss those days.
Enjoy it while you can…. Rajib.