25 November 2014

That is messed up.

Driving on the highways of Puerto Rico, I felt uneasy somehow. Something was not right. Being in a very different place, I was applying total caution – stayed in the right lane, within speed limit and all that. Still, things did not feel right.

On a hunch, I asked Sharmila to Google something. Sure enough!!
In Puerto Rico, all distances are posted in kilometers but all speed limits are posted in miles per hour!!!

Go figure!! These guys must be very good at multiplying and dividing by 1.6 🙂

In any case, I speeded up as I switched to my comfort zone – the left lane 🙂


Posted November 25, 2014 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations


  1. By King Roy on

    Does turn by turn navigation work there now on the phones? Google Maps did not work and the road/street names were not helpful at all.. God help me.

  2. By King Roy on

    It was a nightmare for me to drive on the streets of San Juan. While u guys are there, try the restaurant Marmalade close to old San Juan.

  3. By Keya Banerjee Guin on

    Are you planning to go to Aracibo observatory? world’s largest radiotelescope is there. That was also on one of the Bond movies goldeneye. Signs are not so good. But we drove to the top of the hill where the telescope is located and were not disappointed.


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