29 July
This is the “Sheboygan” of the West
Remember Sheboygan Falls on Sheboygan river in Sheboygan city in Sheboygan county? Well, today I arrived, after multiple flights and car rides to a really really beautiful resort called Couer d’Alene in a really cute city called Couer d’Alene by an exquisite lake among the mountains called, of course, Lake Couer d’Alene among a forest park called – no points for guessing – Couer d’Alene.
One big difference. Unlike “Sheboygan”, I have not figured out how to pronounce this name đŸ™‚ For the curious, this is in Idaho on the border of Washington.
One of the most beautiful cities up in the Northwest… driving in from Washington State the view is absloutely beautiful.
The northwest has always been my favorite part of the country. Stayed in Spokane for a week once..still remember my trip to the beautiful town of Coeur d’Alene. Picture perfect.