3 May
Alas! Stuff has started owning me.
It is scary how all the stuff that I have gathered around me takes up all my time, peace and focus.
My stuff and me. Who owns whom?
Can’t remember whether this haiku was by Masahide or his teacher Basho –
“Since my house burned down,
I now own a better view
Of the rising moon”
So true
So when are you going to start decluttering your life? Materialistic possessions tend to enhance the standard of life or the reverse, I do not know! Get back to the GITA , I’ve come alone & shall leave alone oneday! Rest is mere MAYA!
Funny how for the 3 years my entire household was in storage, there was very little I missed. And now that its out of storage there’s very little I can get myself to give up. Very strange….
Suzanne , yeah! We get things because we *might* need them!!!
It is hard not to build your own “cage” of things/payments/obligations that end up limiting your life rather than enhancing it.
It takes vision to create a different version of yourself.
Rajib – let me know when you want declutter your life of your luxury car – I like clutter :-).. But seriously speaking, material comfort and spiritual well being are both needed in different measures depending on your temperament and phase of life – hard to appreciate moon for long on an empty stomach đŸ˜‰
Frequent India Visits does this to us all I think ! Here is a quote triggered by you from my memory !
“when you have passed beyond Enjoying you shall have Bliss.
Desire was the helper, Desire is the bar.
Transform Enjoying into an even and objectless ecstasy
Let all thyself be Bliss. This is thy Goal”