18 April 2014

“Intersection points” getting popular

I was just wrapping up my call with Sharmila before jumping onto the flight to New York when I saw good old Shahid and his family walking past me. You may remember him from an old post and picture of the two of us sharing shayars and ghazals in a bar somewhere in Bombay after customer meetings.

In any case, I finished out with Sharmila immediately and yelled out for Shahid. He saw me, brought his family to introduce to me and guess what his first words were? “Another Intersection Point”, he said!!!!

I am like. “Yess!! I am going to start a cult”. đŸ™‚

Anyways, it was great to meet Shahid, Munira and the kids!!!

Posted April 18, 2014 by Rajib Roy in category "Intersection Points", "Vacations


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