6 March 2014


After two very tiring days in Dallas and then rushing back for a customer dinner yesterday, I was dog tired and late to bed last night. Decided to change up my routine this morning – slept in till 6 am and then had a leisurely coffee at home instead of going for a run and all that. And since I had missed Nikita’s birthday day before (I was on the road), offered to accompany her to school today.

While driving there, I opened with an ice breaker – “Can you think of some
English words that have three consecutive vowels?”. She gave me one long look, answered “Aaaaaaah”and “Wheeeeee” and then closed her eyes!!!! But not before reminding me “No more academic questions before school hours”!!!

Needless to say, the rest of the trip was very quiet and decidedly vowel-less!!!!

Posted March 6, 2014 by Rajib Roy in category "Humor", "My Family


  1. By Srinivas Thiruvadanthai on

    You have a Seinfeldian knack for turning the ordinary into funny. As Sherlock holmes said, we all see, but only a few observe. Perhaps a career in sitcom beckons!

  2. By Rajib Roy on

    Samudra, and Srinivas, thank you much!! I never thought about it that way … But I guess as long as I get to be Seinfeld and not Kramer, I am ahead of the game? 🙂


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