18 February
I just do not know how to dress up
Yesterday, I put a 7K run in Georgia Tech area. It was easy to spot me . Among all those college folks in shorts and half shirt in 38 degrees, I was the one with three layers and an unseemly cap on my head.
So, today I dropped a layer or two for my 5K morning run in Milton. And paid for it. It was cold. Really cold.
Speak of the horns of dilemma. I could run faster to make it a quicker run but that would mean the wind would bite me even more. Or I could slow down and make the wind bearable but expose myself longer. Eventually just ran faster and got it over with. Starting to get back senses in my finger tips…
I don’t care what I look like when I run. I can NOT have cold ears when I run. Plus, I like to sweat and when I am cold that doesn’t happen. Glad you got it done!
Rajib , do you ever do things impulsively? Or your super brain displays all the options, pros & cons before every action?!But wouldn’t that be a pain?
Paige , thanks!!
Sibapriya , I think that is a great question. People around me like Sharmila might be better equipped to answer this question but my guess is on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being always very impulsive), I will be grovel king around 1 or 2!!
See! Again you have quantified your answer(you had 1optionsns
See, again you had quantified your answer with 10 options! Your thougtprocess seems to be guided by numbers!Relax, savour the unpredictabilities(beauties) of life ! Life is beyond mere binary numbers.
Well , there are two opinions on that …. Arghh !! 🙂