23 January 2014

Following your passion…

Saw Tammi after – oh! probably 10 years? I still remember the first day she showed up for work in my team in 1996 or so – I was asking myself “How the heck do you pronounce Gagne”? 🙂 We worked together for a few years and then she quit to raise her family.

What was delightful to learn was how one fine day, she decided to follow her passion – teaching. While raising her two kids, she got herself thru the teaching exams and certification and is now a high school teacher for math and physics!! Maybe I should get some ideas for my puzzle section from her next time 🙂

Speaking of courage to follow your dreams, she took it upon herself to be a bodybuilder and went on to become a regional champ a few years back. To put it in perspective, I still go to the gym only to take a shower 🙂

We had a great hour or so catching up on our families, old team mates and life in general. I admire her ability and courage to pursue her dreams. True happiness can only come from being who you are. Not what you think others think you are. Or should be.


Posted January 23, 2014 by Rajib Roy in category "Intersection Points

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