9 December 2013

King of Hearts – a quiz

So, here I am sitting in a much delayed flight to New York. Hope to take off at some point of time. Time for a quick quiz question. I was discussing this with Sharmila during our date night yesterday. And no, she was not referring to me as king of Hearts… We were talking about cards.

What is the one distinctive feature of King of Hearts (physical feature) compared to other Kings in a deck? Try guessing without seeing the cards. Then look at the cards and see if you find it.

Do not post the answer in the comments section.

If you notice carefully there is another distinctive feature of that card compared to the other three kings. Can you find out what it is?

8 December 2013

82716.804 !!!!!

Last week, I was having breakfast with Sunjay at the Burlington Marriott and when the waitress brought the bill, I wrote down the usual stuff – tips, room number, last name etc. on it. The room number was 804 and you know my last name. But an idea struck me and I showed Sunjay how we can derive my last name from my room number.
In fact, my whole name can be represented as a proper decimal number!!!! Cool or what?


Category: Musings | LEAVE A COMMENT
8 December 2013

“Omuk jinista dhukchhe na” :-)

In an absolute nose thumbing to the traditional Bengali fear of “Thanda legey jaabey”, the Chalupa group showed up to run in cold AND RAIN!! What is amazing is that our two youngest members – Ilu (two or three years old?) and Stuti (five or six years old?) showed up and got out with us in the rain!!!

I missed taking a picture of Arup before he left early but the coffee “adda” at Starbucks made up for the misery of running in the rain. Check out the picture of Stuti playing on her phone and Ilu painstakingly trying to see what she is doing. She was standing on her toes watching her sister all the time. What a great sisters’ moment!!

Also, note the disapproving look on Joyjit’s face watching Baisakhi eat a cake. Eventually he could not help himself admonishing her “Porey bolbey na omuk jinista dhukchhey na, tomuk jinista berochhe na”. (roughly translated – “don’t complain later, this thing is not going in and that thing is not coming out”). I took a few seconds to realize what he was trying to say – then I almost spilled my coffee I was laughing so hard on the floor 🙂


6 December 2013

This is why I dig up my past…

Most of you are aware that one of my life’s missions is to keep in touch with people who have crossed my path long time back. I have been in many ways – perceptibly and imperceptibly, influenced by each one of them. Reconnecting with them – often after decades – is my way of thanking them for the opportunity I had to spend some time together in this short life. That, to me, is a reward in of itself.

Sometimes, though, there are awkward situations when a person cannot recognize me – in spite of giving vivid details. That is often frustrating and embarrassing. On the other hand, sometimes it is not only the case that I get the thrill of reconnecting with somebody from long past – but soon realize that I know somebody else that has crossed their path before and I put them together. That gives great satisfaction. One such incident happened this week. This email will always be there for me to read up every time I get frustrated following dead ends looking for my friends from the past…(names redacted to respect privacy; I will leave it up to them to identify themselves if they want to)

From: XXXX
To: YYYY; Rajib Roy <roy_rajib@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2013 7:59 PM
Subject: RE: Re-introductions

Great to hear from you … wow what a small world! Smaller when you note that most of my school friends now know Rajib 🙂
Yes we should catch up – send me your phone # and will chat over the weekend.

Thanks for all the connects bhai. Suddenly feel I am part a long lost group that I was just unaware of.
Hi to Sharmila and bachcha log, and do look ZZZZ up when you are in DC next.


4 December 2013

Biblical scene

Nice show in front of Rockefeller center… with a real authentic camel too. The authenticity was somewhat tarnished when you realize that neither of the Testaments mention taking pictures with an iPhone or wearing high heels for that matter 🙂


Category: Images | LEAVE A COMMENT
4 December 2013

And the perfect lady. (second take)

It would appear that some of my FB friends are actually paying attention to my posts. So, I am forced to put in the right picture thus time 🙂 As they say “Details… Details…. Details”

Saw Vanita after a long long time. We were classmates in our MBA school. Last time I saw her was around 1992!!! So much has changed and yet so little has changed. She is still the truly genuine human being that I knew!!! It was absolutely great to hear her perspective on life. When asked what words of advise she had for me from the last twenty years, her thoughtful answers were “Academic success counts to nothing. We have to be successful as human beings” and “Family as a priority should trump all priorities”.
Those were indeed great thoughtful insights!!!

I certainly hope to run into her again very soon! Also found out that we have some common friends from Calcutta who now live in Atlanta!!


4 December 2013

Only in New York!!

A hanky panky panty bar!!!! In the middle of Grand Central station? Oh! I was so close to walking up to this lady and asking “do you ever have any lady actually walk up to you and buypanties in front of literally millions of train riders milling around”?


4 December 2013

And the perfect lady!!!

Saw Vanita after a long long time. We were classmates in our MBA school. Last time I saw her was around 1992!!! So much has changed and yet so little has changed. She is still the truly genuine human being that I knew!!! It was absolutely great to hear her perspective on life. When asked what words of advise she had for me from the last twenty years, her thoughtful answers were “Academic success counts to nothing. We have to be successful as human beings” and “Family as a priority should trump all priorities”.
Those were indeed great thoughtful insights!!!

I certainly hope to run into her again very soon! Also found out that we have some common friends from Calcutta who now live in Atlanta!!!


3 December 2013

The perfect gentleman!!

Most people will tell you that the biggest factor of people staying or not staying in their current job is their relationship with their immediate boss. I also believe that how one does in one’s career is often deeply influenced by the very first boss one has.

I certainly count myself as one of the luckiest guys who was blessed with a perfect first boss – Nitin Chandekar. He was my friend, he was my philosopher, he was my guide. He showered more credit to me and our team mates than was perhaps due and was always there for us when we got stuck.

Today, I was able to visit J.P.Morgan Chase in New York where he has become a big guy and spend an hour with him over coffee.

One by one, we caught up with over 30 ex team mates of ours, our families and then ourselves. I certainly hope to be as successful as him some day. We also found out that we have two kids each exactly of the same age!!!

I was thrilled to see that his gentlemanliness, grace, terrific sense of humor and errrr… mustache has remained intact!!!

One of our defining moments of relationship:
Q4 1991: About 70 of us were working on a project called CPC. We had one HP 9000 machine which I swear had less computing power than the ipad I am writing this on. We had 40 programmers hitting it with Informix 4GL code. It used to run at the speed of a turtle on Prozac.

Our days used to be a never ending cycle of write a few lines of code, submit it for compiling, go have a few rounds of coffee, come back and wait some more and then the machine would helpfully let us know that we have syntax errors! Two of those cycles in a day and it was time to go home.

The analytical (and easy-to-frustrate) guy that I was, I painstakingly gathered statistics and then drew on paper and pen a pie chart with three sectors named “editing” (this was a thin sliver), “waiting for machine time” (big part of the pie) and “computing time” (very thin). There was no PowerPoint those days. But to make my point, I colored the sectors with color pencils. I was careful enough to color the waiting time in red. Then I showed it to Nitin.

He immediately took me to his boss Raja and his boss Aruna. They had a high level management discussion that high level managers were prone to do while I sat there merely admiring my coloring capabilities.

That evening Aruna announced that we will be all working in 8 hour shifts with 2 hour overlaps!!!

You can only imagine how popular I became with my teammates overnight. NOT 😉
