This is why I dig up my past…
Most of you are aware that one of my life’s missions is to keep in touch with people who have crossed my path long time back. I have been in many ways – perceptibly and imperceptibly, influenced by each one of them. Reconnecting with them – often after decades – is my way of thanking them for the opportunity I had to spend some time together in this short life. That, to me, is a reward in of itself.
Sometimes, though, there are awkward situations when a person cannot recognize me – in spite of giving vivid details. That is often frustrating and embarrassing. On the other hand, sometimes it is not only the case that I get the thrill of reconnecting with somebody from long past – but soon realize that I know somebody else that has crossed their path before and I put them together. That gives great satisfaction. One such incident happened this week. This email will always be there for me to read up every time I get frustrated following dead ends looking for my friends from the past…(names redacted to respect privacy; I will leave it up to them to identify themselves if they want to)
From: XXXX
To: YYYY; Rajib Roy <>
Sent: Thursday, December 5, 2013 7:59 PM
Subject: RE: Re-introductions
Great to hear from you … wow what a small world! Smaller when you note that most of my school friends now know Rajib đ
Yes we should catch up – send me your phone # and will chat over the weekend.
Thanks for all the connects bhai. Suddenly feel I am part a long lost group that I was just unaware of.
Hi to Sharmila and bachcha log, and do look ZZZZ up when you are in DC next.
Somehow you have made stalking others a very cool thing to do. Keep it up.
Roger, Maybe my blog site title should be changed from “History of my Future” to “The Art of Stalking without Restraining Orders” đ
How nice!!!
There is a lot to be said for reaching out and connecting with old friends and relationships. It is like going back in time and reliving those special moments without the benefit of a time machine.
So, when will u be in Montreal so we can get together? It’s been way too long!
Identifying myself as the person the 1st email went to above đ đ đ and so happy – glad you stalk – you are a master connector and I am happy we met đ
PS Rajib Roy please dont forget to master connect with my Jamai Babu. Who knows what that intro will open up- cant wait to hear all about it.
Thanks Rajib…this topic is something very near and dear to me. I try to do the same but not as successful as you are…one thing I do though almost everyday…remember some of them who have touched my life and made me what I am today; I pray for their wellbeing before I call it a day. You do an excellent job in connecting people and reaching out to them.
Thank you Raja-Gautam and Malika
Rosella, I do need to make a trip to Montreal!
Rajib you are something else…I wish I had the stamina but suspect this will await retirement. very worthwhile project…hope all is well with you and yours..>D
David, thank you!! We are doing great! Trust you and your family are doing well too?