7 September 2013

Chalu-pa Saturday edition

Beautiful foggy Saturday morning. First Saturday run for our motley group of Bengalis. Today, we created a record for the youngest member showing up – Ileena (2 years).
Also, thank you Baisakhi for your maiden appearance and Anindya and Sudakshina for putting this run together this morning.


Posted September 7, 2013 by Rajib Roy in category "Running


  1. By Rajib Roy (Post author) on

    Thank you Baisakhi, Sudakshina and Anindya. Do post the pictures of the Starbucks session that I dearly missed.

  2. By Saikat Das (Post author) on

    Rajib : Mohana is more interested in joining, so I will wait for her to finish and then accompany her on my debut running.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. By Vicky Ruffin Cupit (Post author) on

    The picture of the trees and fog…brings an old childhood story to mind… my brother and myself still quote…”There is a fog on the moors this morning”….. and I don’t remember the name of the book… great shot.


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