3 August
Ah! The simplicity if teenagers!!! Their entire vocabulary consists of “OMG”, “like”, “SOOOOOOOO” and “KK”.
Ah! The simplicity if teenagers!!! Their entire vocabulary consists of “OMG”, “like”, “SOOOOOOOO” and “KK”.
Rajib, what is “KK”?
Rajib, what is “KK”?
Sir our’s which we use even today was/ is TTKBH – time time ki baat hai :O))
Sir our’s which we use even today was/ is TTKBH – time time ki baat hai :O))
Chele meye sabar katha bolchis to?
Chele meye sabar katha bolchis to?
KK means “ok, cool”.
Stylistically spelled as “k, kewl” . And hence KK
KK means “ok, cool”.
Stylistically spelled as “k, kewl” . And hence KK
KK = Ok Cool?!! Thank you. Nice. Kewl!
KK = Ok Cool?!! Thank you. Nice. Kewl!
You forgot ‘whatever’
You forgot ‘whatever’
What is this, Rajib Roy? A death wish ? 🙂
What is this, Rajib Roy? A death wish ? 🙂
I was going say …whatevehhh! But one of your buddies already mentioned it!
I was going say …whatevehhh! But one of your buddies already mentioned it!