22 July 2013

What size do I wear?

First time flying Qatar Airways. Need some getting used to the pleasantness of the airlines staff (very typical of most Asian airlines). But some of their attention is throwing me off.
So, this young sweet lady takes me from the door to my seat and offers to put my suitcase up on the bin. Somewhat indignant, I thanked her and to make light of the situation said that I only look old. I am not that old and I can lift the suitcase.
Not to be outdone, she asked if she can get me my pajamas !!!
I am having a WTF moment if course! What does she mean if she can get me my pajamas? A few moments later, still more confused than thoughtful, I said “Sure”!
Oh! Boy!! Did I ever get myself in trouble. For she continued with her onslaught – “What size sir? Small, Medium, Large, Xtra Large or Xtra Xtra Large”. Finally, I broke down. I sat down on my seat and explained “Ma’m, the only person who knows the right answer to that question is in Atlanta. My wife does all my shopping.”
She was sympathetic. She said I should be Large but she will give me an Xtra Large so that I will be comfortable.
A few minutes and a quick trip to the plane restroom later, here I am flopping around like a scarecrow in my oversized clothes getting ready to sink in my seat 🙂

Posted July 22, 2013 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations


  1. By Rajib Roy on

    Antara, 15 years back American Airlines used to do this in first class. (Not business class though). No airlines based out of America does it any more

  2. By Kuntal Sengupta on

    uhh…back in coach class..they have ukranian girls who even forget to bring meals for kids, and do not even apologize..i am not flying qatar again…;)

  3. By Biplab Dey on

    you r lucky if u look old, u shud’ve enjoyed the moment… 😉 sorry sharmila it’s slip of tongue 😛

  4. By Hiren Desai on

    LOL ! You will get used to it my friend ! Have been there a few times !!…Happened to me on Jet Airways too…So I divide the airlines into two categories – those that offer to get me into my pyjamas and those that do not. Try now to describe this once you get back to the other half looking at straight at you !!…I am yet to decipher the look I received….

  5. By Rini Bose-Kar on

    A lady steward offering to get a gentleman’s pajamas is acceptable. But, the other way round should certainly cause a stir

  6. By Deb Bhattacharjee on

    too much attention for paying a large sum of money and flying first class… the airlines feels obliged to make up for all that extra dough by going the extra mile (or the extra size in this case 🙂


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