I used to love giving these puzzles earlier in my career. I used to tell the candidates that there are no points for getting the right answers. I just want them to think aloud. I was always interested in the thought processes they had and innovativeness in thinking about problems in different ways. Today, my interviews are of very different nature (because the jobs are different)
ohh! Now I got it, Uncle ,Thanks for solution.
Rajibda,write a book on your innovative puzzles. It will help my daughters to sharpen their brains.
Sometimes Problems that look complicated have very simple answers I guess.
Hiren. agreed! Life, for example…
Dont tell me you give all these to interview candidates..You are beating google then to their whitebooarding style..
I used to love giving these puzzles earlier in my career. I used to tell the candidates that there are no points for getting the right answers. I just want them to think aloud. I was always interested in the thought processes they had and innovativeness in thinking about problems in different ways. Today, my interviews are of very different nature (because the jobs are different)
That is why we took you off the interview panels ๐
In figure 2 green circle is only touching one other circle not 2, wasn’t that one of the conditions
Mohit, the rule was that the coin that is moved needs to touch two coins in its resting position