3 July 2013

Charge of the sound brigade

Indians to the left of them, Indians to the right of them, volleyed and thundered…
Well, certainly they are thundering all over this place.
I guess it is never a tourist spot (of any repute anyways) without being surrounded by a lot of really loud Indians yelling in languages nobody around can understand ๐Ÿ™

Posted July 3, 2013 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations


  1. By Manisha Chakravarti on

    My sister, mom and other family members were there last month and they had the same experience. They said even the American and Canadian employees knew Hindi. Looks like this is in the checklist of most of the tourists from India.

  2. By Karen Quaranta Whitmore on

    Things have changed over the years Growing up Clifton Hill had all exclusive shops with china and porcelain from England. There were many Italian restaurant and beautiful linen shops. Most museums have closed. I lived the summers with my grandparents on Lewis. Lewis is the street at the end of Clifton. I could lay in bed at night and hear the roar of the falls. The area was all Italian. A good Italian restaurant is Costra Volstra on Clark street off Ferry. I miss the falls. I was born in Buffalo. I am 1/2 Canadian.

  3. By Sourav Ray on

    Rajib ๐Ÿ™‚ You got it right, dude. Yet, in defense of the maligned: the view from the Canadian side is much better and the Falls make a loud roar, (after controlling for all other factors i.e.) … LOL! Ride the din! Our marginal contribution to the din will be lost in the wash, obviously.


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