9 June
Remind me to catch her a couple of seconds earlier :-)
After our run today, we were having our customary Starbucks coffee. This particular Starbucks has a few other regulars on Sunday mornings than us. One of them is a motorbike team. Today, a lady drove in her Harley with the following helmet…. Hilarious!!!
A couple of months ago I was driving from Bangalore to Chennai. We stopped for breakfast and in a few minutes there was a roar of bikes. Couple of HD’s, Suzukis and Honda super bikes came in. Apparently they zip from Bangalore in the morning have breakfast and go back. Zip! Zap! Zoom!
If we ever see her in future trip to Starbucks, we should just stop at “Hello” and not risk going beyond 2.5 seconds.
Hey… Wait a second. My wife doesn’t even have a motorcycle helment!
Wait till I meet her, Rich
There’s a reason you haven’t! :-).