Roy C!!!
One of the few things that gives a better start to my day than running is meeting people who have touched my life in the long past.
Had the privilege of meeting “Roy C” after more than 22 years at a Starbucks near my house today! Just like in this picture, we used to sit next to each other in our bench during our MBA days in IIM-A. (Yes, we had assigned seating and in a stroke of sheer genius, our school sat us alphabetically đ ). The boredom of MANAC 2, POM 3 and such other esoteric classes was made somewhat bearable by Roy C’s smart repartees, ever present wit and continuous pranks.
Fortunately, he has retained all his charm even to this day!!!
Rajib tui koto porashona korechis sotti
Roj roj besh purono bondhuder sathe dekha hocche tor. Pleasant surprise tai na?
Was this a planned or accidental encounter R and R?
Sameera, Roy had let me know beforehand that he will be in town for business…
Anushree, in many ways I am who I am because of all the great influence many of my friends had in my in my formative years…
Even u have influenced many of ur friends. If u consider me ur friend then I would like to say so
Rajib, it was a great catching up on old times….. meeting old friends is one thing I look forward to in my trips. It gets even better when it is an interesting bench mate…..