Saturday run between kid activities…
5 mile run in between ferrying Tasha around for all those weekend activities đ My left leg/knee has not adjusted to minimalist shoes as well as the right leg/knee has.
Something interesting happened yesterday. Woke up at 5 am and realized it was raining heavily. I loved the challenge and wanted to take Mother Nature’s challenge head on. So, put on all the protective running gear and got into my car. When I pulled up near LA Fitness (after running in rain, I head straight to the showers in LA Fitness), it completely stopped raining. I was so upset that I decided to teach Mother Nature a lesson – so instead of running, I just went in and did some indoor rowing.
After showers, when I came out of the gym – wouldn’t you know – it was raining incessantly!!! I am still not sure who was the joke ultimately on đ