31 August 2012

Eighteen month journey comes to an end….

My New Years’ resolution in 2010 was to run 100 miles every month for the year. Somehow, I was able to keep myself motivated thru the year to reach it. But came January and February of 2011, I started losing motivation. I was lacking a goal.
So, I gave myself this weird idea – I will re-learn how to run all over again by switching to barefoot running.
Easier said than done!! In March 2011, in those really cold days, I started running literally without any foot protection on grass. Eventually got myself some tips from a coach, watched a lot of videos, got help from my doctor, graduated to barefoot shoes and was able to run on roads again.
After 18 long months, I am back to where I was! Posted 100 miles for August. Arguably, I picked a convenient month with 31 days and I need some time off the road now to let the lower calf muscles gain their strength back. All the same, one milestone reached in the journey back to learning how to run anew again.

Almost to celebrate that, ran into two of my old running buddies – Samantha and Lara before running. It was great catching up with them after a long time….

Posted August 31, 2012 by Rajib Roy in category "Running

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