22 August 2012

Running into old friends again…

Today was Georgia Tech area run again. First three miles were really boring – my Nano had run out of battery – so none of those learning new words in “Says You” podcast today. I was literally checking my watch every other minute counting how many more minutes to go. Then I heard somebody running very fast behind me and yelling my name – turned around and sure enough it was Andy and Rachel out for a run too. So we ran for couple of miles together. Talking with friends while running completely took out the boredom. In fact, I was surprised that I had reached five miles already. Although talking does slow me down since my lungs have to do double duty. In any case, that is my story regarding why I asked Andy and Rachel to slow down for me. And I am sticking with it 🙂 (Both are very fast runners).

Posted August 22, 2012 by Rajib Roy in category "Running

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