9 August
Yellowjackets don’t scare me :-)
After getting hopelessly lost in the Georgia Tech campus, today I was careful to study all the landmarks as I ran. Cost of that studious behavior was my running speed was 10:30 min/mile rather than 9:00 🙁 On the other hand, I learnt something. Sumit Rao, yesterday had enquired in my blog if the buses in his alma mater were still called Stinger. Today, I actually looked for them – and indeed they are called Stingers. I guess it is a reference to the Georgia Tech “Yellow Jackets”. Anyways, it was an enjoyable 5 miles. But I might need to take a rest day tomorrow. 67 miles of barefoot running in 18 days – this is the most I have put after the transition to barefoot running. The shins are sore.