1 June 2012


Swarupda!!!! My personal tutor in 1982!! Met after 30 years! One of the earliest influencers in my life! He is the reason why I fulfilled my dad’s first dream of me – bagging the National Talent Search award. I never went near his second dream – being an IAS officer! Not that I was too much into his first dream either, but I did master double differentials at the age of 15 due to this gentleman. If not anything else, I owe a lot of self confidence to him. 30 years later, we met under very circumstances…. But with our unbelievable respect for each other intact. 30 years back, who knew we will meet someday and talk about the effect of macro economic policies on our respective industries? — at Ffort Radisson Raichak.

Posted June 1, 2012 by Rajib Roy in category "Vacations

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