23 April 2014


Two of the cocktails I prepared this evening with watermelon and cucumber and he is flat!!! Amateur! I am depressed with my brother ๐Ÿ™‚

In an unrelated story, my parents have no clue alcohol can be colorless. They know how wine looks and that is a no no. But they have no idea about the difference between watermelon and Sprite and the one that had the same with 60 ml Smirnoff. As long as I have one only with Sprite and carefully offer that when they ask to taste, I have absolutely no reasons to scale our building’s roof….

I just have to figure out how to ensure that my brother does not collapse every time he drinks my cocktails…..


23 April 2014

Good deed of the day…

Dad had been mentioning for some time about a cousin of his who he had not seen for some time. Evidently, this cousin has been very helpful to him in the last. Unfortunately, due to a procedural error during a throat surgery, he has lost his voice almost entirely. And dad was hoping to see him sometime.

A few calls to relatives, research on Google map and two hours later, dad, mom, brother and self headed out moment the sun set. And in an hour, we were knocking on the door of a much surprised uncle!!!

You can see the two cousins chatting here. It is pretty entertaining to watch two cousins talking, one of which can’t speak much and the other desperately hard of hearing. Funny part – that is not bothering them at all. They are holding two independent conversations with great mutual satisfaction. ๐Ÿ™‚


23 April 2014

Creating another intersection point – disappointing end

After having found Mitu, Kanta-di and Buro, started the next search – Bablu-da. He was a couple of years elder to us and had two sisters younger to us.

Again, started with the broad indications I had received in the past and after narrowing the area, started the block to block search. I described him to way too many people but nobody seemed to know. Some went out of their ways to help and called a few local people who have been around for some time.

The temperatures had already hit 100 F. Frustration was rising at the same rate. Even the curious street dogs who were following this strange, shaven head, shorts wearing guy from door to door went like “You are on your own now, dude” and sat under a tree with their tongues hanging out.

That is when I decided to give up for now and try again during my next trip. Some more tenacity and resources…. and I will find him one way or the other.

Now, the three hour drive back to dad and mom..

23 April 2014

Creating intersection points – one success…

One more frustrating search ends with a happy ending. Kanta-di and her brother Buro had eluded me for a long time. Not any more. Got couple of clues from my last trip to India. One challenge – the clues were too broad.

Went searching the area this morning with little success. Then my brother hit upon a novel idea – we started asking all the shops nearby. One of the shopkeepers gave us the exact address!!!

I don’t think Kanta-di or Buro could have successfully recognized her if their life depended on it!!! But it was awesome fun once we told them who we were!!

Unfortunately, found out that my search took a little too long to see uncle and aunt (their parents) one last time…

One more set of friends that I last saw in 1979 has been traced. Now I have their phone numbers too… Makes keeping up so much simpler….
