21 June 2018

Random rest stop

Day 1 of journey to nowhere in particular

Stopped at a random rest stop up in the mountains. I think we were near Waynesville in North Carolina. Brought out the snacks and drinks and enjoyed all the vehicles – especially all those motorcycles – zooming by on the highway. It was a steep slope and with the trucks engine braking downhill and the motorcycles screaming uphill, it was anything but quiet.

21 June 2018

Journey without a destination…

Natasha is in New York and Nikita is in Duke. Not knowing what else to do, Sharmila and I decided to hit the road. We have no particular destination. We will take it easy on the road, enjoy the small things and experience those things we miss when we are in a hurry to go somewhere.

We will stay in the Midwest and East Coast zone, visit a couple of friends as we meander around and then eventually find our way to Nikita in Duke ten days later and get her back home.

4 June 2018

Every journey begins with a strong partner…

Signing off on our crazy and yet immensely satisfying Mongolian tour with a shout out for Roger…

Thank you Roger for giving me the courage to stay crazy.
The strength to set uncommon goals.
And the partnership as we achieve those goals.

This picture for ever will enshrine in my mind that craziness, uncommon goals and the partnership …

And thank you Sharmila and Shauna for tolerating all that craziness…

And with that, ladies and gentlemen, we bow out of our Mongolian chapter.

4 June 2018

There was one last box left to be checked in Mongolia…

We had all the normal goals that you would set for yourself if you were to go to Mongolia – you know the gers, the nomads, the camels, the sand dunes and all that. We did all that and more.

We had another goal for ourselves. Not something you would normally think of. But then again, we are talking about Roger and myself. If it is not quirky, it is not us.

We had a goal of buying a fountain pen from Mongolia!! Both Roger and I write with fountain pens and share a common love for collecting fountain pens.

Calligraphy was originally invented in China and the Mongols had their own variation in their scripts (I am talking about 2000 years back). In fact, we got all our family members’ names written in the old Mongol style in wall hangings that we are bringing back home.

While in USA, after a lot of research, we had found out one shop that claimed to carry fountain pens in Ulanbaatar. You can guess the rest…

We are proud owners of two identical fountain pens from Mongolia!!

Disclaimer: While the pens were bought from Mongolia to add to our libraries, they are not actually made in Mongolia. Nobody makes fountain pens in Mongolia. These are of Turkish origin. So, our bragging rights is “we got them from Mongolia” 🙂

3 June 2018

My crazy friend Roger… in business class…

One of the rules Roger had laid down when I was looking for tickets to Mongolia was that for all the down to earth living we were going to have in Mongolia, we have to travel business class to and from there.

This is also Roger’s first international trip in business class. It is fair to say he is suitably impressed. Some of his observations enroute are hilarious..

Sitting next to me on our flight from Istanbul and Bishkek, he looked up to me in between chomping down his smoked salmon and red wine and gave his verdict:

“I think Business Class means never having to worry about starving”!!


3 June 2018

This friend of mine, Roger, I tell you….

To get the context of this post, I have to assume you have read a previous post titled “And he thought he can one up on me” from May 30th.

We were sitting by the Bayanzag cliffs. We had already downed a couple of glasses of wine. So, I may or may not have been talking too much…

Roger, took one long sip from his glass and yelled “WHO-TO”. For a second, I was wondering “what the heck? Is he trying to experiment with echoes in the cliff?”

Then I realized the faux pas he had made with “To Who” before trying to understand how to say “shut up”. (And this is where the context of the previous event helps).

In a few seconds, both Sara and I realized what was going on…

After I had picked myself up from the ground, I asked – “Did you mean, To Who?”.

Anguished by his self inflicted defeat one more time, Roger sheepishly asked “I can’t even recall my mistakes correctly, can I?”

No. You can’t, Roger Whitney.

And that is a good thing about you!!! 🙂